Teaching and Learning
At Stillness Junior we believe in the concept of lifelong learning and the idea that both adults and children learn exciting new things every day. We maintain that learning should be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for everyone; it should be fun. Our vision is that Stillness will provide a cooperative community effort to encourage the maximum achievement of each student.
Individuals should be prepared to meet the challenges of lifelong learning with the use of successful teaching strategies that employ future technological and educational approaches. The balance of academic and co-curricular experiences will develop the necessary skills to become contributing members of society.
Aims and objectives
We believe that people learn best in different ways. At our school we provide a rich, varied and creative learning environment that encourages children to develop their skills and abilities to their full potential.
Through our teaching we aim to:
- enable children to become confident, resourceful, enquiring and independent learners
- enable children to communicate in a multiple of forms – written, oral, visual and electronic
- encourage children to work independently and interdependently
- foster critical as well as imaginative thinking
- teach children how to learn;
- foster children’s self-esteem and help them build positive relationships with other people
- develop children’s self-respect and encourage children to respect the ideas, attitudes, values and feelings of others
- show respect for all cultures and, in so doing, to promote positive attitudes towards other people;
- enable children to understand their community and help them feel valued as part of this community
Effective Learning Environment
Effective learning takes place in an environment which:
- is challenging
- is peaceful and calm
- is happy and caring
- is organised
- is well resourced
- is encouraging and appreciative
- is welcoming
- provides equal opportunities
- provides a working atmosphere
To read the full policy, download the PDF.