
Pupil Wellbeing box

As you know, in school you have access to wellbeing boxes. There is one in the main hall and one in the corridor next to the art room. Mrs Kelly is the only one who has a key so you can share anything you wish including any concerns you may have.

You can use this page on our website to do the exact same thing! Feel free to send any concerns or anything about your wellbeing using this form. Your message will be sent to the inclusion team (Mrs Brown, Miss Zelve and Mrs Kelly) at school and will not be displayed publicly on the website – nobody else will be able to see it.

​Please remember to put your name on the form so we know who you are. When we receive your message, a member of school staff will be in touch with you and your family to help.

Mrs Kelly also offers a “drop in” session once a week during lunch times.

Remember that if something is worrying you, please speak to an adult that you trust, they can help you and it helps us to feel better when we let our feelings out. You can also ring Childline on 0800 1111 if you need to speak to someone.