Pupil Voice
House Captains
We have four House Captains who have been elected by the pupils. They play an important role by strengthening relationships across the year groups. They can be identified by their school blazer.
Wellbeing Champions
Wellbeing Champions are pupils that will lead mindfulness sessions in class. Positive mental health and emotional wellbeing describes how we think, feel and relate to ourselves and others and how we interpret the world around us. These pupils will learn more about mindfulness and general wellbeing and be shown some mindful activities and practise these so they can go back into the class room and lead these with their class. They are easily recognisable by their light blue polo shirt.
Eco Warriors
Our Eco Warriors will meet to discuss ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle and to protect our environment with the aim of making Stillness Junior School become “cleaner and greener”. The children will work closely with the Green Schools Project and can be identified by their grey polo shirt.
PE Monitors
Our PE Monitors help run and tally the laps covered by our children in our daily mile. They also help issue and put away PE equipment, they assist the adults on sports day and give our sport related certificates and/or medals in assembly.
School Council
All children are given the opportunity to be a school council representative for their class. A different pair of children are selected to be a representative for their class every year.
The council representatives are selected to speak about the issues that their class have raised and discuss them during the school council meetings. When concerns are discussed in the group, solutions are suggested which are then taken back to the class. If the school council are not able to solve them, some concerns may be taken to the deputy and headteacher for consideration.
School Council have been involved with resolving the issues around school lunches. They have attended meetings with the catering staff and manager where together they agreed on the menu choices for the school.
School Council are actively involved with the wider community and take the opportunity to discuss and attend meetings on issue that effect our local community with the local council and other personnel and are easily recognised by their purple polo shirt.
First Aiders
First Aiders are voted by their class peers. They will vote for the person they believe to be caring, sensible and helpful. The role of a Junior First Aider is to work alongside a staff member and be able to assist with simple first aid duties and tasks such as; being supportive to an injured child, collection and distribution of first aid boxes, bum bags, hi-viz jackets and first aid supplies. They can be easily identified by their pink polo shirt.
Play Leaders
Play Leaders are role models for the entire school. They demonstrate to others how to play, how to play safely and how to include everyone. They encourage pupils to improve their sport skills and to try their best. As they are encouraged to include all pupils they make playtimes and lunchtimes a fun and happy time.
Play Leaders are on duty every day at playtimes and lunchtimes. There are twenty Play Leaders altogether and four on duty daily and can be easily identified by their red polo shirt.
Peer Mediators
Peer Mediators are pupils, who have received training to help resolve minor conflicts with children of the same age.
Peer Mediators receive two days training to teach them all about mediation. They learn about new concepts like impartiality and prejudice, along with negotiation skills and effective listening. They understand that if they are unable to deal with all conflicts that arise they take such issues to an adult.
Peer Mediators are on duty one day a week, at playtimes and lunchtimes and can be easily recognised by their black polo shirt.
Ambassadors are our Y6 children who take on a number of responsibilities throughout the school. The Ambassadors can be identified through the white shirt and ties that they wear whilst on duty. They take responsibility and talk about things that affect them and work on issues to help improve the school environment. As Ambassadors they are expected to set an example to the rest of the school.
Music Monitors
Music Monitors help to set up the music concerts and can be easily recognised by their navy polo shirt.
Librarians help in the daily running of the school library. Each librarian can be identified by their green polo shirt. Their duties include putting books back on shelves, suggesting books for younger children to read, helping with book displays, labelling and scanning books.
Digital Leaders
Our digital leaders are responsible for looking after our Chrome Books. Each week, they bring the Chrome Books to their classes, distribute them and then return them at the end of the day. They also take responsibility for reminding children about keeping their information safe and being responsible digital citizens. Digital Leaders can be easily recognised by their orange polo shirt.