Curriculum & Assessment
Most children’s needs are met in the classroom. However, some children may experience particular learning difficulties.
Occasionally, the class teacher and Inclusion Lead may need to consult outside agencies such as the Educational Psychologist, Specific Learning Difficulties team or the Outreach Inclusion Services to support with various needs or difficulties. This is only done with the consent of the child’s parents. If ever you have a concern about your child please do discuss it with the class teacher in the first instance, as difficulties are often overcome simply by sharing knowledge. If you feel you need more advice you are welcome to consult the inclusion department and speak to the Inclusion Lead.
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Stillness Local Offer: https://lewisham.gov.uk/localoffer
We are an inclusive school and may offer the following range of provision to support children with SEND:
Social Skills programmes/support including strategies to enhance self-esteem
- Circle time
- Support from the Learning Mentor
- Intervention from the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) for children and parents on referral
- Support from Lewisham’s Outreach Inclusion Service.
Access to a supportive environment – IT facilities/equipment/resources (inc. preparation)
- Use of interactive whiteboards.
- Regular access to computers and iPads
- Provision of resources to enhance independent learning where appropriate e.g. easy grip pens and pencils, dyslexia friendly exercise books.
Strategies/programmes to support speech and language
- Assessment by the Speech and Language Service on referral.
- Lego therapy
- Visual aids and resources where necessary.
Mentoring activities:
- Peer mediators for support during lunchtimes and playtimes.
- School Council
- Circle Time
- Referral to the Learning Mentor where appropriate
- Support from Lewisham’s Outreach Inclusion Service.
Access to strategies/programmes to support Occupational Therapy/Physiotherapy needs:
- Assessment by and intervention from an Occupational Therapist/Physiotherapist, on referral
- Where appropriate, implementation of individual OT/Physiotherapy support and intervention programmes by school staff for those children in receipt of these services.
- Provision of support resources where required.
- We have 2 disabled toilets and where agreed by parents and external professionals, pupils may have access to them.
- Where agreed parents or health professionals may accompany a child to the disabled toilet.
- Where we are able we will store mobility equipment on site during the school day – e.g. wheelchair.
- Handwriting groups and Theraputty programmes
- Sensory Circuit.
Strategies to reduce anxiety/promote emotional wellbeing (including communication with parents)
- Wellbeing Room and Wellbeing Box on our website and in school
- All staff trained in Safeguarding Children and young people.
- Referral to the Learning Mentor where appropriate
- Referral to CAMHS or GP where appropriate
- Collaboration and communication with all external professionals involved with children, as appropriate.
- Occasionally individuals have support at times of high anxiety where agreed with an external professional and the parents.
- Staff practise mindfulness
- Zones of regulation.
Strategies to support/develop literacy inc. reading:
- Group support in class through guided reading.
- Use of specific intervention programmes e.g. Ruth Miskin Literacy, Toe by Toe, Word Wasp
- Sometimes we run booster Literacy classes
- Use of dyslexia friendly strategies in the classroom.
- Referral to the Specific Learning Difficulties team (SpLD) as appropriate.
Strategies to support/modify behaviour:
- Consistent implementation of the school’s behaviour policy.
- A restorative approach to sorting out any conflicts.
- Close collaboration with parents/carers
- Referral to an appropriate agency such as Targeted Family Support, CAMHS.
Strategies to support/develop numeracy:
- Using ‘The White Rose’ maths as part of our maths curriculum
- Use of the ICT “Timestable Rockstars”
- Some year groups are grouped by ability for maths, with additional staff available.
- Sometimes we run booster classes in maths.
- Occasionally individuals are given extra support in maths.
- Plus 1 and Power of 2 interventions
Provision to facilitate/support access to the curriculum:
- Appropriate differentiation of tasks and activities.
- Small group support in class from class teacher and Teaching Assistant where required.
- Some 1:1 and group support from an allocated Learning Support Assistant for children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC plan).
Strategies/support to develop independent learning:
- Implementation of specifically tailored support strategies and programmes
- Pre- teaching of new concepts and vocabulary for specific groups
- Individual Education Plan/Pupil Passports.
Support/supervision at unstructured times of the day including personal care:
- Play leaders initiating and supporting activities during lunch break.
- Peer mediators for support during lunchtimes and playtimes
- Sports Coaches offer additional activities at Lunchtime.
Planning and assessment:
- Differentiated learning activities.
- Referrals to external agencies/social care as required.
- Incorporation into planning of recommendations and advice provided by external agencies.
- Underlying ability assessments and other appropriate assessments undertaken by the Inclusion Team.
Liaison/Communication with Professionals/Parents, attendance at meetings and preparation of reports:
- Liaison with wide range of professionals.
- Target and progress meetings with parents.
- Sharing of professional reports with parents.
- Identification of needs requiring referral to external agencies.
Access to Medical Interventions:
- Some Members of staff trained in First Aid.
- Referral to and liaison with medical professionals as appropriate and as required.
- Individual care plans for children with medical needs and allergies.
- We will store medication for life threatening conditions on site once a care plan has been agreed with medical staff and parents/carers
- Some staff have training in Administering medication and Epipen use.