

Effective communication builds understanding and trust. This is why effective communication is key to establishing and maintaining positive partnerships with parents.

Here at Stillness Junior School we use a wide variety of communication tools to keep every informed.

Leadership Update: this is a weekly communication from the Headteacher and will be sent out every Monday. This communication will cover the upcoming week including events planned for the week.

Weekly Round Up Page: this comes out every Friday. Each year group writes a synopsis of the work the children have undertaken that week.

Monthly Newsletter: this will be emailed out to you on the first day of the month.

Special Edition Newsletters: You will receive one newsletter a year from each subject coordinators to include Maths, English and Spanish.

Safeguarding Newsletter: we send out a safeguarding newsletter every term

Email: if you have any questions regarding classwork, you are welcome to email the class teacher direct:




Parent Consultation/Academic Review Day: You will get the chance to talk to your child’s class teacher formally about their progress and wellbeing at the parent consultation day in the autumn and academic review day in the spring term. Parents are able to book an appointment using our online booking system.

Written Report: you will have two written reports a year. One will be in the spring and one at the end of the academic year which will tell you how your child is working against age related expectations.

Class Rep Meetings: each class selects a parent who will represent their class. We value your questions and feedback and this is a good opportunity for these to be put direct to our Headteacher during the half termly meetings.

Informal Communications: we really value simple face to face communication and for this reason, you will always find a member of staff on the gate in the morning, including members of the Leadership Team.

Instagram: this is a good way of seeing the learning and activities going on in school. With over 300 followers we are going from strength to strength!  This is an account we keep private for parents and carers with children in the school.

Our website: we take a great deal of pride in our school website.  It is a key tool in effective home-school communication. We hope you find it clear and easy to navigate so you can find key information quickly. It includes guidance for many common queries including school dates, policies, breakfast and after school clubs and all communication set out via the office.

Parent and Carer Feedback Form